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To Ol' Corpsy's Adoring Fan(s)

I have discovered that The Corpuscle has been nominated and is a semifinalist for a Koufax "Best New Blog" Award. This is really fun to find out and thank you to whoever did it, though a come-from-behind win by Ol' Corpsy seems pretty unlikely. I am a lefty, but I don't write all that much about politics. As I've said elsewhere, I'm kind of a brat and so I end up writing about whatever the hell I want to write about. This is developing into Ol' Corpsy's theme, I think, and so I guess if you like what I write about, you might like this blog. Also, engaging in a bit of self-criticism here, I think I have a tendency to write "long" for the web. But that's OK. That's also what I like to do.

Thing is, I pretty much feel that The Political Beat is so effectively covered elsewhere by so many talented and really competent people (for example, The Sideshow) that I don't really want to go there except in the unusual circumstance when I feel I have something to add I haven't seen done better elsewhere. So, I don't know if that means Ol' Corpsy should even actually be nominated for a Koufax, but what the hell. Life is dangerous and full of twists & turns.

But here's what I find especially gratifying. I have been reliably informed that my post "How To Live With Dead People" has been nominated (not announced yet) for a Koufax "Best Post" award. Guess we'll see if it makes the semifinalists cut. It does not seem the sort of post that could actually win, but the post did seem to affect some people and maybe was even a little bit helpful to them, and so if by its nomination even more people who might find it helpful come across it, I would be especially pleased by that.

So thank you to all my adoring fans, or, at least, to the one or two people who actually took the trouble to point Ol' Corpsy out to the Koufaxians. I'm very pleased by your entirely reckless and foolish behavior.


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Congratualtions on your nomination too! And may the best man win.


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