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A Pair of Shorts

#1: A friend was telling me about her hair-cutter who is also a long distance healer. Her hair-cutter was complaining the other day about a client in a foreign country whom she had long distance healed but who had failed to pay the negotiated fee. I see a business opportunity here: business schools for faith healers. Lesson #1: all long distance healing should be pre-paid.

#2: If you know Mark Lombardi's work, you might appreciate this. Yesterday, after hearing a segment about him on "Studio 360", I read his Wikipedia article and I noticed something interesting in the last sentence which I quote here: "After two highly successful solo art shows, Mark Lombardi allegedly died of suicide (hanging himself in his Williamsburg, New York studio) in March, 2000." (emphasis added). That in itself was interesting enough if, as I say, you know Mark Lombardi's work. However, when I went back there this morning, the entire article had changed!!! The part about "allegedly" has been removed!!!. Coincidence? You tell me.

Well, gotta go take a shower and put on some clean underwear for my healing at a distance appointment. See ya.


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