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I Test Out As A Studly Fem

I ain't got nothin' to say today. I finally took the BBC's Sex ID Test and found out I was a studly fem. My actual results here (350K .pdf). Somehow I knew all this before, but see myself in a new light anyway.

What's the difference between a metrosexual and a studly fem? Don't know, can't say. But I do know I hate those little rectangular glasses frames I should be wearing these days. Those low-rise jeans are kind of hot, though. You know -- the ones with those zippers that are about one inch long -- but I don't think they are really right for me. My brother told me -- on the testimony of my nephew, his son -- that the best thing is for the boys to buy girl jeans.

I withhold my approval. All is in disarray.

If only I hadn't taken this test, I would know more than I thought I knew before. Stop me before I test again. I like the part about me having a somewhat elevated ring-finger, though. This confirms many of the things I had previously only suspected about myself. It's good to finally know the truth.

But like I said, I got nothing to say today. Take the rest of the day off. I am in recovery.


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Very interesting. I scored highly on the analytic stuff (all right on the 3-D rotation, for example). OTOH, I was completely confounded by the eyes. I couldn't see any difference between any of the pairs and ended up guessing wildly. Also, the word association section stymied me. I could only come up with one word to associate with "grey" and three words to associate with "happy".

I could only come up with one word to associate with "grey" and three words to associate with "happy".

Thank god the test did not report back the words I "free-associated" for both "grey" and "happy". I don't mind a little bit of humiliation every now and again, but even I have my limits.

I was merely an average male. Where do you get the "studly" rating?

(Mind you, the last time I took this, my fingers were shorter.)

Thank god the test did not report back the words I "free-associated" for both "grey" and "happy".

For "happy" I came up with smile and love. And clown. Clown? My disbelief at the functioning of my brain probably prevented me from coming up with more words. Clown? Clowns are weird and disturbing. Why would that be the 2nd word out of my brain in association with "happy"? Very strange.

Where do you get the "studly" rating?

My fingers mostly, I think. And one of those "spatial" dealies.

In short, all real men know into which spaces they must insert their inordinately long ring-fingers.

I'm a little surprised you didn't already know that.

Clowns are weird and disturbing.

I'll say.

Based on your answers, I think that you must be a girl, despite all evidence to the contrary. That's just a guess. I'm not an expert or anything.

I'm a little surprised you didn't already know that.

Heh. I have to maneuver a car through narrow streets, so I've picked up some of that there spatial stuff.

Inordinately long and immaculately manicured ring-fingers, one hopes.

Wow. I scored the average for men taking the test... these even though I like guys. And I rock at mental rotation.

And I rock at mental rotation.

I think I do as well.

I do less well at physical rotation, though in the past I have received a few compliments on my abilities in that regard.

Ungh. I've got a borderline woman's brain.

But I totally screwed up the rotation bit because I ignored the directions, plowed right in, and only picked one match per set. Isn't that a guy thing? I usually do really well at rotation tasks.

I've got a borderline woman's brain. [...] But I totally screwed up the rotation bit because I ignored the directions, plowed right in, and only picked one match per set.

Well, we can have a vote about this later, but I think we can probably come up with some sort of "honorary male" type deal for you, inasmuch as you apparently take tests like a bull in a china shop. The bull element should provide sufficient testosteronal bona fides, I should think.

I'm just trying to be supportive and encouraging, yet firm and rotating, like the studly fem I am.

Based on your answers, I think that you must be a girl, despite all evidence to the contrary. That's just a guess. I'm not an expert or anything.

Heh. I suppose that I should have associated "happy" with things that make *me* happy. Like sex. And beer. And sex, basketball, indie rock girls, action movies, sex and ESPN. And sex.

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