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Brevity Is The Soul of A Rich Guy's Hard Time

Gee, I guess drug-therapy works. Well, that and $30,000.

...the deal with prosecutors called for the fraud charge to be dropped in 18 months if Limbaugh complied with all court guidelines, and that Limbaugh would pay $30,000 to defray the state's investigation costs and $30 a month for "supervision" of his treatment.

We must spend $30K per untreated, drug-offending prisoner per year and as a bonus we get them back after their sentence is up and they're still addicted and so liable to re-offend.

Hmm. What are the chances, I wonder, that Limbaugh will change his previous tune...

"Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country," Limbaugh said in October 1995 on a television show he had at the time. "And so, if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up."

...and now advocate more treatment in lieu of sending more people to prison?

Chances? Not so good, I'll bet. Well, anyway...

Me, I suspect Tom Wolfe was wrong. I suspect his famous quip should go more like:

"A liberal conservative is a narco-offending conservative who has been arrested $30,000."

Only except "strikeouts" are pretty hard to pronounce and so get in the way of the pith, you know.


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I love it when you're pithy.

Seriously, he's a hypocritical opportunist. He'll play the "youthful indiscretion" card. He'll mea culpa for his "fan base" (excuse me, I have to wash my hands now) and instruct the phone screeners not to let anyone wishing to discuss drug policy through.

I want to say that he and Leona Helmsley are sisters under the skin, but that's insulting to Leona and sisterhood.

I want to say that he and Leona Helmsley are sisters under the skin, but that's insulting to Leona and sisterhood.

And that's sayin' something when you're an insult to all things Leona.

Maybe instead of "sisterhood" we could just say "hood".

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